• IGES - Ingenieurgesellschaft Experimentelle Statik mbH | Neustadtswall 30 | 28199 Bremen
  • +49 421 5905-2345





Published by:

IGES – Ingenieurgesellschaft Experimentelle Statik mbH
Neustadtswall 30
28199 Bremen

Commercial Register Bremen HRB 25068

General Manager: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marc Gutermann

Phone: 0049 421 5905-2345
Fax: 0049 421 5905-2316
E-Mail: info@iges-online.de

Copyright note:
The publications on these sides are defeated by the German copyright. The duplication, treatment, spreading and every kind of the utilisation beyond the borders of the copyright need the written approval of the publisher. Contributions of third are marked if necessary as those. Downloads and copies of these sides are permitted only for the not commercial use.

Concept, web design and programming:
Internet agency Tako Deppe – Webdesign Bremen