• IGES - Ingenieurgesellschaft Experimentelle Statik mbH | Neustadtswall 30 | 28199 Bremen
  • +49 421 5905-2345
Load and measure

Preserved instead of demolition and new construction.

Your buildings structure gets a complete check-up. Our diagnosis supports calculations and lead to proved safety evaluation

System measurement

Preserved instead of demolition and new construction.

Safety evaluation of historic structures under monument protection with actual load assumptions. Preservation using optimised and new methods.

Load and measure

Analyze, test, optimize.

We test, how structures behave under loading, even when calculations failed before

Load and measure

Preserved instead of demolition and new construction.

We develop and evaluate new methods to test and preserve structures

Load and measure

Analyze, test, optimize.

Roofs with structural faults or problems with snow heaps? We verify load carrying safety

Load and measure

Analyze, test, optimize.

Change of production is planned? We verify load carrying safety of your structures under new load conditions.

Load and measure

Preserved instead of demolition and new construction.

Safety of prestressed constructions. Preservation of existing structures using optimised and new methods.



Basics of our work

Methods - Belastungsversuche, Experimentelle Tragsicherheitsnachweise, Bauwerksanalyse, Hybride Statik


Experimental safety evaluations show actual load carrying behaviour and lead to better results even when calculations failed before

Loading technology - Belastungsversuche, Experimentelle Tragsicherheitsnachweise, Bauwerksanalyse, Hybride Statik

Loading technology

Portable loading equipment can be used individually for any task and can be customized for any geometry and load situation

Measurement technology - Belastungsversuche, Experimentelle Tragsicherheitsnachweise, Bauwerksanalyse, Hybride Statik

Measurement technology

Essential data is collected electrically by measurement systems and is shown simultaneously on screen

Legalization - Belastungsversuche, Experimentelle Tragsicherheitsnachweise, Bauwerksanalyse, Hybride Statik


Legitimated: assessment of buildings and structural parts can be based on experiments

Publications - Belastungsversuche, Experimentelle Tragsicherheitsnachweise, Bauwerksanalyse, Hybride Statik


We report on our experience in oral presentations and technical papers

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