Dokumentation of our projekt “Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin”
We publish our experience gained in practice in several journals, books or conference proceedings (here extract of english articles):
Gutermann, M. ; Slowik, V. ; Steffens, K.: | Experimental safety evaluation of concrete an masonry bridges. International Symposium NDT-CE, 16.-19.09.03, Berlin. DGZFP, BB 85-CD |
Gutermann, M.: | An article on experimental assessment of structural safety of solid bridges. ICEM12 – 12th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics. 29. August – 2. September, 2004 Politecnico di Bari, Italy |
Gutermann, M. ; Steffens, K. : | Problems of a reliable connection between steel tower and concrete foundation. In: Tagungsband 8. Internationale Windenergie-Konferenz, DEWEK. Bremen, 22./23. November 2006 |
Gutermann, M. ; Kosaka Y. Tokyo ; MATSUDA H.: | German Proofloading Method for Bridges by BELFA. In: Bridge and Foundation, Heft 2, 2006 |
Eilers, J. ; Falter, B.; Gutermann, M. ; Müller-Rochholz, J.: | Buckling Tests at Polythylene Linings with Egg Shape. In: Geosynthetics International. |
Orbán Z, ; Gutermann M. | Assessment of masonry arch railway bridges using non-destructive in-situ testing methods. Engineering Structures (2009). doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2009.04.008 |
Gutermann, M., C. Schröder: | Existing Structures: Old and Disused? Experimental Approaches for Extension of Lifetime. In: Tagungsband “50th annual international conference on Experimental Stress Analysis” EAN 2012, 4. – 7. Juni 2012, Tabór (Tschechien) |
Gutermann, M. ; Schröder, C.: | Loading Vehicle BELFA. Development and experience gained in 10 years of practice. Proceedings CSHM-5 Workshop on Civil Structural Health Monitoring, October 24th – 26th 2013, Ube/Japan |
Gutermann, M.; Schröder, C.: | Loading Vehicle BELFA – Development and Experience gained in 10 years of practice. In: Bridge Structures 11 (2015). IOS Press. S. 19-31 DOI: 10.3233/BRS-150081 |
Gutermann, M., Malgut, W.: | IN-SITU LOAD TEST OF AN HISTORIC STAIR RAIL MADE OF LIME STONE. Proceedings Structural Faults & Repair. London, 08. – 10. Juli 2014 |
Gutermann, M.; Koppe, Bärbel; Bukowski, Gerd: | Inspection and Quality Control of Hydraulic Structures including on-site Physical Testing, in JOINT 2014, Proc. 3rd Coastal and Maritime Mediterranean Conference CM2, Ferrara |