Loading and measuring: Your building will be examined thoroughly. The diagnosis will either support calculations or directly provide proof.
In cases where we cannot prove sufficient structural safety with calculations based on our experimental data, we evaluate the prospects of a load test. Our clients want the guarantee that the test will be successful. Our motto is: You provide the building, we disclose its load bearing reserves! These reserves usually exist and can be quantified with our load testing methods.
Experience shows that we can give a highly positive outlook to most building owners in the course of an on-site inspection We can also guarantee that the result of a load test will always be more precise than the application of a mathematical model. (This of course applies only to healthy structures without hidden damages or defects).
During the on-site inspection we also discuss the scope of the load tests. In the case of ceilings for example it is usually sufficient to test typical areas that add up to around 5% of the total ceiling surface. If multiple ceilings in a building have to be tested, costs can be kept down by choosing ceiling areas on top of each other, since this enables us to use the loading device multiple times.
After we have received the mandate for a load test, we can come up with the (successful) results quickly. We will present our contracting partner with the first, authoritative results immediately after the load test has been carried out. An extended documentation with detailed descriptions, sketches and graphs, test records and photographs will usually follow about a month later. Our speed record is 2 weeks between the first contact and the presentation of first results. On the average we need 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the complexity of the task. This is much, much faster than the alternatives – prophylactic reinforcement of the structure or demolition and reconstruction.